Description of the Project

Title: Parapraxis
Genre: infodemo (information demoscene)

Theme/script: Sigmund Freud stated parapraxis as the struggle between conscious and unconscious, good and bad, cold and hot etc. Within this demoscene a struggle exists between the chrome rendered objects and the transparent rendered objects. The idea of a struggle is evident in the dataset explored in the demoscene; weather. Weather is constantly changing and is thus a constant struggle between hot and cold, good and bad etc.

Technical and design challenges: The biggest challenge of the project was to optimize the code to a considerably small file size. The idea of a demoscene is to create a file that is as small as possible, but still is visually engaging and entertaining. The Parapraxis demoscene file was optimized to a size of 235kb (without music).

Project goal: The purpose of this project was to design a short demoscene animation that is both visually engaging and optimised in file size and performance.The demoscene needed to incorporate a consistent style and visual effects, generative scripting, optimized coding & information presentation.

Description of Sample Demonstration: The virtools file available for download from this site showcases the demoscene Parapraxis. This demoscene displays a consistent visual style of chrome rendered 3D objects. The colour of the objects will change as the demo extracts USA weather data values from a PHP page using the 'get web data' function. The speeds of certain objects will also vary based on extracted weather data values. When the letter 'i' appears in the top left corner of the demoscene, interactivity is permitted. This involves clicking the screen to explore the temperature dataset (colour values) by moving the mouse from left (minimum) to right (maximum).